
A FinishOrFunc is a continuation of a contract that may terminate when all the guarded_by conditions on that object are met, but provides logic for some default continuations and logic for new continuations in light of new information.

FinishOrFuncs do not use CTV to ensure execution.

When to use a FinishOrFunc

An example of where a FinishOrFunc could be used is a multisig escrow contract, where if n-of-n interested parties agree to move the funds, the funds can move to any transaction. However, perhaps the escrow operators typically emit a payment to a third party and carry the remaining balances to a new escrow. A FinishOrFunc can provide convenient logic shared by all participants for generating what that next transaction should look like.

finish! macro

The continuation macro generates a static fn() -> Option<FinishOrFunc> method for a given impl.

There are a few variants of how you can create a continuation.

fn main() {
struct UpdateType;
/// Helper
fn default_coerce(
    k: <T as Contract>::StatefulArguments,
) -> Result<UpdateType, CompilationError> {
/// A Guarded CTV Function
    /// required: guards for the miniscript clauses required
    guarded_by = "[Self::guard_1,... Self::guard_n]",
    /// optional: Conditional compilation
    compile_if = "[Self::compile_if_1, ... Self::compile_if_n]",
    ///  optional: Enables compiling this for a json callable continuation
    /// helper for coercing args for json api, could be arbitrary
    coerce_args = "default_coerce"
fn name(self, ctx:Context, o:UpdateType) {
/// Null Implementation

The parameter o is either called directly or attempted to be coerced from the higher level <Self as Contract>::StatefulArguments which mus enum wrap the arguments. This means that each continuation can have a unique parameter type, but also be represented as a trait object with a single type. Enums may be used to pass different arguments to different functions.